Our fees
Private Clients
Please note: Fees cannot be claimed via Medicare or Private Health Insurance.
Please speak with us if finances are a barrier for you.
Parenting Programs
Circle of Security 8 weeks x 1.5hrs: $250 per session
Bringing Up Great Kids (BUGK) 6 weeks x 1hr: $170 per session
Bringing Up Great Kids First 1000 Days 5 weeks x 1hr $170 per session
Tunning into Kids® (TIK) 6 weeks x 1hr $170 per session
Dads Tuning into Kids™ 7 weeks x 1 hr $170 per session
Tuning into Teens™ (TIIT) 6 weeks x 1 hr $170 per session
Parents Building Solutions 6 weeks x 1hr $170 per session
Parents Learn to Play 7 weeks x 2 hr $1800
Attendance at court
If your play therapist is required to attend court in relation to your child/family, the party responsible will be invoiced a fee of up to $1200 per day to cover lost earnings. Payment must be made prior to continuing service following the therapist’s court appearance.
*Session is 1.5 hours.
**Hour includes 45min face-to-face and 15min room reset, case noting and planning.
Coaching & Parent Support
Play Therapy is a NDIS approved intervention and currently Attach can see participants who are plan-managed or self-managed.
**Hour includes 45min face-to-face and 15min room reset, case noting and planning.
All fees are to be paid in full within seven days of the service delivery. Attach reserve the right to suspend future appointments if fees are not paid in a timely manner.
“Relationship trauma can only be healed with relationships”
— Dr Karyn Purvis